Saturday, September 12, 2009

9.12.09 Amy Schueling Artful Blogging Article

Hey everyone, I found another article in the magazine Artful Blogging. In the August/September/October of 2009 edition. Sandra Evertson writes about her experiences with old cameras. This woman bought a box of old cameras and to her dismay found out the they were missing parts and she could not use them. As a true artist does she found a way to use them anyway. Instead of taking pictures with them she took pictures of them. While cleaning them she noticed figures showing up on the lenses. Old tin type photos were shining through the lens of each camera. Sandra Evertson tells a story of eeriness and wonder. She says that she has found a virtual doorway to the past. She sees these photos as the souls of the people that lived back then peeking through to our realm. Now I know this may sound a little strange but if you stop and really think about it in a quantum physics kind of way, she does make a point. Now what had happened was she had tin types hung on her wall and when she was cleaning the lens, she tilted the camera just right and the photo shined through the viewfinder. These ghostly images helped Susan to come to the question, "does time and space live only in our imaginations or is it possible that just maybe such a realm can actually occur within an inanimate object? Now I'm not sure that if walls could talk they would actually choose to do so or have anything interesting to say but the thought of capturing life for that one moment and suspending it in time is exactly what a photographer does so I can see how someone can think that. The reason I chose this article was not to discuss a certain piece of work but to talk about what makes an artist tick. Where does an artist get their inspiration? Any thoughts from the rest of you guys/girls?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... in science fiction there is a reoccurring theory that the last image you see before you die is burned into your retina. This smacks of that a bit for me. Maybe my husband makes me listen to too many cheesy ghost sighting stories, who knows. What does make an artist tick? Whatever it is not only makes me tick, but at times I hum.
    Two in a row from the same magazine makes me challenge you to go see something. You can do it. You are being self indulgent...come on Amy...go see something.
