Thursday, August 5, 2010

Andrea Huerta Rob Carter

Rob Carter was born in 1976 in Worcester, UK and currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. He earned an MFA in studio Art in 2003 from Hunter College in New York. He was shown nationally and internationally in various museums and galleries. Carter works in large fromat photography as well as in video. He creates urban environments by cuting photographic images and morphing them to create pieces that speak about human attempts to control and understand the natural world around them.

I was inspired by many of his photographs but one that especially appealed to me is titled, "Lakeside," from 2004. It appears to be an alien landscape with some figures under large cardbord cutout like trees overhead. The figures are very small in comparison to these tree like structures that don't seem to be natural. The look and feel of the photograph is cold with the values mostly on the light side rather than the dark. One person seems to be taking photographs of the figure in the water. The trees are ominous but the people don't seem to see the danger. It also has a soft feeling to it as though it was taken with soft focus.

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