Thursday, December 8, 2011

heesun park review Jason Engelund

Jason Engelund creates compositions that investigate light's ability to evoke sublime and contemplative experiences. Approaching photography as a method of capturing light, Engelund starts from the Greek translation of photography: phos "light" and graphé "drawing". From there he has created a style that is interdisciplinary, combining the aesthetics of painting and mechanics of photography. Juxtaposing the subjective nature of perception and the "truth" of photography, Engelund's work raises questions regarding our experience of light, while exploring photography as a contemporary art form.

While the images in the main gallery of this website may lead the viewer to think the images have effects applied or were painted, all images were made in camera using long exposures and extreme out of focus. Shots include subjects such as colored lights of airport runways at night and printed as a negative, naturally occurring reflections of light, and in camera light leaks across frames and rolls of film. ( from website)

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