Friday, December 8, 2017

Christopher Ramirez reviews Nobuyoshi Araki

Nobuyoshi Araki, is a Tokyo based photographer who is very successful in his field and has even won the prestigious Taiyo Award in 1964. His works are very sexual and are mostly of the female nude body. His works are, as previously stated, very sexual and show the female body nude and tied up or alongside flowers or trees, which can be a reference to the fertility of a woman. His work is very Japanese inspired based off the clothing that is being worn in the photos as well as just the colors and saturation of each photograph. A very common theme of Araki’s work is Eros and Thanatos which means sex and death, which can be seen in many of his works. Because of the nudity and the strong focus on the female body and genitalia a lot of his stronger messages such as emotions and his personal sides often get overlooked because of the in your face “NSFW” (not safe for work) imagery.

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